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Friday, April 5th

Easter Sunday 2024

By Terry Fitzpatrick

The Easter story invites us to wake up to our inter-being, our connectedness to all life. To wake up to the divine presence and essence permeating all of life. It is this beloved presence that invites us to live in harmony and acceptance, and in the words of Mary Oliver to stop our worrying and go out into the morning and sing.

Tuesday, March 26th

Palm Sunday - March 24, 2024

By Terry Fitzpatrick

This Palm Sunday we recognise its central message has relevance for today. Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny’s return to Moscow in 2021 after being poisoned by the Russian State to a huge crowd was not unlike Jesus’ re-entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. Jesus and Alexie both confronting brutal authoritarian rule with another way

Tuesday, February 27th

Living in Harmony pt.2 – Liturgy February 25, 2024

This week Narelle takes on one aspect of our Lenten theme “Acceptance”. Narelle will refer to a model of acceptance by Dr Wendell Rosevear, explore acceptance in relation to ageing with links to scriptual examples of older age. The challenge of the power of acceptance is to find our own mountain top of transfguration and “come down from it” to a living reality where acceptance and love can be found in the moment that is.