
Tuesday, June 24th 2014

The importance of Interdependence by Carolyn Vincent

By Carolyn Vincent

We must all learn to live together as brothers and sisters or we will all perish together as fools.

We are tied together in a single garment of destiny, caught in an inescapable network of mutuality.

And whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly.

For some strange reason I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be. And you can never be what you ought to be until I am what I ought to be.

This is the way Gods universe is made.

This is the way it is structured.

Dr Martin Luther King Jr.

Hello everyone,I’m Carolyn,

I grew up thinking I had to be independent . ..I have learnt that it is far more important to teach my children interdependence.To reach out for help , myself. To have the courage to make myself vulnerable with people. In a nutshell to really connect with people at an authentic level.

My passion for community also comes from my own story of letting myself get isolated emotionally for most of my life.

Today I would like to share with you all the importance of having authentic meaningful conversations with others and how that has the potential to shift global consciousness onto a more sustainable trajectory.... transform our world.

We only need to look around at all the crisis situations out there to know that something has gone amiss somewhere.

Last year around this time ,I was in India spending precious time with my dad who was diagnosed with cancer . He was given 6 weeks to live.I decided that I was going to be really present with him as much as possible.I took every opportunity to be with him,feed him, give him his medicines, take his blood pressure etc.He would have these days where he would be very angry and rude to everyone..very uncooperative, refuse to take his medicines. Being his favourite,I was always given the task to go and calm him down so he would take his painkillers.One particular day even I was not able successful...he just snatched the tablets out of my had and threw them out of the window and directed abusive language at me. As I  stood there staring at him blankly ,totally stunned ,he said”What are you staring at me for ...?”. I said.... What are you so angry about dad? I did not expect to hear what he said next..He said... I have never opened myself up to anyone...I feel alone ...and soon I am going to be dead. He said...” You cant make yourself vulnerable and fight in wars.” My dad was in the army.Then he just burst out crying ..sobbing and as we held each other tight crying...I realized how I had done pretty much exactly the same thing.

Since then my passion to build community ,connect people has become stronger.I have also become more aware of the reality of our interconnectedness to each other and our environment.And I say “reality” because it is not some woo woo fairytale concept. It is a proven scientific fact. Scientists starting from Einstein to most recently Gregg Braden, Nassim Harramein and many others have proven that everything in this entire universe in connected by an invisible net that science better refers to as an energetic field.Infact starting from that initial big bang..that tiny singularity that burst forth into billions of galaxies ..down to every tiny insect, plant animal and us humans... everything is connected. What a miracle!

Try to imagine a net and if we tweak one end of it even slightly every part of it gets affected. The whole thing changes shape.

That is why when a catastrophe occurs at one end of the planet, we feel it at this end People spontaneously rise to help out. Right here in our own backyard,the Brisbane floods were a great example of it.

This space right here is a buzzing energy field which connects us all and is constantly being affected by all our thoughts and emotions.However because it appears to be causes the illusion that I am separate from you and you and you...

We have all heard of the line.. the air was so tense you could cut it with a knife, or there was a lovely buzz in the room.

Every thought word and action of ours even right now is affecting this collective energy field that connects us all and depending on what we are thinking and feeling at the moment, we cause the field to be tense or calm or loving.

I would highly reccomend watching a utube movie by scientist Gregg Braden called Secret Ancient Knowkedge- The Divine Matrix ,where he clearly explains the reality of our interconnectedness. You will be blown away.

Many of us have come to believe that we will be bothering somebody else if we ask for help. We have slowly over many years become more and more isolated from each other , emotionally. I realize that there could be many here in the room that perhaps do not fit into this category , however the vast majority of us do. We only need to look at statistics on loneliness, depression, suicide, homelessness ,drug and alchohol use and abuse to numb our senses... for confirmation of it.

This idea that we are separate from each other... This idea of “me” and “mine” instead of “we” and “ours” has been the root cause of every crisis situation we face as a global family.

The Global Coherence Iniative  together with the institure of Heart Math in the United states currently has 14 sensors that are strategically positioned on the surface of the earth to measure the electromagnetic field of the earth and whenever a major event occurs there is a fluctuation in the readings. For eg when Princess Dianna died there was a collective sadness that many of us experienced causing the readings to drop. The opposite was true when Obama was elected.

If we each really understood how connected we all are...there would be no “me”...only “ we”. There woudl be no “mine” only “ ours”....

And what could our world look like with this shift in thinking ?

And more importantly what can each of us do at an individual level to make it happen?

There was a book written by a guy called Ernesto Sirolli... a true story called “Ripples from the Zambezi”.  An entire town had become very depressed. Businesses had gone bust, people had lost jobs and a cloud of sadness hung over the town. One guy decided to do something about it, he set up a table,couple of chairs, jug of lemonade and an umbrella in a prominent position in town. He would boldly stop people as they walked past and invite them for a chat. He asked them 2 questions?.. What’s important to you?..whats your dream?

Before long he got to know the entire town and he started to connect people that he thought could work together. People started to collaborate. Businesses were born and jobs were created. The village was buzzing again.

We cannot make it alone.  We were never meant to .

Remembering our interconnectedness and therefore our interdependence is the key .

To me..

It’s about having authentic meaningful conversations with people. It’s about having the courage to ask the questions that make the difference instead of some of the superficial meaningless conversations we often tend to have. Its about getting out of our comfort zones and asking people...what matters to you?

And then its every word is a life saver...

Its about really connecting with another at an authentic level. Because when enough of us start to do that we will soon realize that all we want is Love and Peace in our world.

We need a grass roots movement...and it starts with each and every one of us. Who will you get to know better today?

Thankyou for listening.