
Saturday, May 16th 2020

Liturgy May 17, 2020

By St Mary's in Exile

In this homily Alison will share how the single most transformative thing we can do to harness our creative potential is to truly embody Jesus’s Greatest Commandment to ‘LOVE the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your Soul and with all your mind.’

LOVE is an energy that can uplift, transform and heal. The choice to give LOVE originates solely within us and its effects are nothing short of miraculous. So if we want to change the world for the better, it is futile and counter-productive focusing on ‘what not is’ and being angry and fearful. Instead we must learn to be mindful so that we can connect with the loving force that is within and around us. 
The water experiments conducted by Dr Maseru Emote, unite science and spiritual truth once and for all. Alison invites you to try out your own experiments of LOVE to create a NEW Earth.