St Mary’s Matters Magazine
Our magazine is a great way to spread the word of what our community is all about. If you would like to put something in the next edition – poetry, prose, discussion, photos (especially welcome), book review, letter to the editor, drawing etc send it to the editor:
September 14, 2022
Thirteen Years in Exile
We are into our thirteenth year in exile so it seems appropriate that our final hard copy edition of St Mary Matters will be reflection on this transition period. We are a gifted community and an inclusive one. We are grateful to all who work hard to keep out community functioning at such a high level.
April 8, 2022
What Really Matters Right Now
The cover of this magazine is meant to be a little enigmatic. What is that hand holding? Maybe a globe of the earth (we hold the future of the earth in our hands) maybe a crystal ball (can anyone predict our future) maybe a simple glass ball reflecting his world (reminding him how beautiful and fragile it is) or maybe something else. What do you think?
July 27, 2020
In Uncertain Times – Winter 2020
We have been introduced to a new vocabulary - physical distancing, flatten the curve and familiar terms such as isolation, quarantine, uncertain times, have new meanings. We have seen and been part of a new way to live our lives. The title for this magazine ‘In Uncertain Times’ reflects the real sense that we have that no-one really knows how this will all end up.
February 28, 2020
Into a new decade – Summer 2020
It seems very appropriate as we move into a new decade that we include in this edition of our magazine some of those wonderful homilies (adapted a little for this genre) that we heard last year. Each one could be found helpful as we begin a new era in our lives because they suggest new ways of looking at our lives and the world.
February 19, 2020
St. Mary's In Exile – 10 Year Anniversary
A special edition of St. Mary's Matters celebrating 10 years in exile. Foreword by Karyn Walsh (CEO of Micah Projects).
December 12, 2016
St Mary's In Exile – Summer 2016
The new look for St. Mary’s In Exile might have come as a surprise to some people when it was first unveiled earlier this year but the visual language of this community has been evolving in its own way since it split from the Roman Catholic Church in 2009...
June 6, 2016
Be The Change – Winter 2016
I was pondering this and remembering what I once read in Awareness by Anthony De Mello where he encouraged the reader to more or less move outside of the body and watch ourselves in motion…
November 3, 2015
Gratitude – Spring 2015
For years I’d had problems with my image of God that I’d developed in childhood because he seemed such a nasty piece of work. I was told to love him (always him) and ask him to help me when I needed him to. Well, my experience told me this help never eventuated. He seldom came up with the answer to...
March 3, 2015
We Are One – Autumn 2015
There is silence that is deeper than deep. It is silence beyond silence. It is beyond the sounds of the earth, the birds, the bugs and even the trees. It is the very heartbeat of life...
February 2, 2015
Identity – Autumn 2015
When considering the idea of ‘identity’ one can ask any number of people for their thoughts and get very different replies. There are those who insist that we are predestined to be the way we are by our genetic make up, those who will say it is our experiences in life that shape who we are. And then to complicate the matter further there are those who suggest we have no individual identity, that our beliefs of individuality are an illusion, and that we are all one, along with everything else in the universe...
September 18, 2014
Let's Connect – Spring 2014
The focus for this edition of the magazine is on connectedness. As a community we place a good deal of emphasis on inclusiveness and welcome. I see many people actively working on helping to ensure that people in the community do feel they are a part of it - and connected in some way...
June 6, 2014
Five Years On – Winter 2014
It took courage to walk to leave that beautiful, welcoming place of white stone, ancient icons and enchanting echoes to leave that sense of security and belonging that connectedness to a bigger story and to our past and to walk away from it all down the hill to an empty room to an unfamiliar place and begin to give birth to something new. It was a big step to walk...
December 15, 2013
Falling Upwards – Summer 2013
While listening to Terry’s homily on Falling Upwards, with its emphasis on the second half of life, I could see parallels in relation to the development of our community...
October 20, 2013
Reality or Illusion – Spring 2013
The subject of what is real and what is illusory fascinates me as it clearly has a number of our SMX writers. It has also inspired some beautiful poetry. I hope you enjoy this variety of responses to the theme of Reality or Illusion...
March 8, 2013
Walking Together, Making a Path – Autumn 2013
When we were in the old church and growing as a congregation it seemed to some of us that we needed to work deliberately on strategies to help us become more of a community. We came from all over the city and were...
January 4, 2013
Magical Mystical Luang Prabang – Summer 2013
What a remarkably successful experience it was to spend time together as a group of SMX people who started as colleagues and finished as friends...
December 3, 2012
Orthopraxy – Summer 2012
For this edition I suggested that our readers might like to reflect on the idea in Peter Kennedy’s TedX address that what we do is more important than what we believe. This may seem a simple proposition to people such as those in our community who have been acting on this aphorism for years. After all we were tossed out of the Catholic Church, not for what we did (our social activism was accepted as good) but for what we didn’t believe…
October 10, 2012
Extra Ordinary People – Spring 2012
I was listening to the homily given by a young man who had been a student at Milperra. He spoke of his gratitude to Adele Rice the principal and the other people at the school who so encouraged him when he first came to Australia as a young refugee. His story moved me to tears, with his affection for Adele so apparent. This prompted me to think about the way ordinary people can make an extra-ordinary difference to people’s lives....
June 6, 2012
Take Wings and Fly – Winter 2012
The rather beautiful image on the cover suggested itself to me when I saw it, as a symbol of where we are as a community now. We were weary from the emotional effort of the move from the church and we were happy to construct a nice safe cocoon for ourselves at the TLC. We have become comfortable there. But like that beautiful emergent butterfly the time has come for us to use our wings and take off into the world around us...
April 8, 2012
Miracle – Autumn 2012
There is an air of expectancy about in the community. Peter gave a great homily after Christmas which expressed this feeling so well. We have a future, a wonder filled future, and we need to share it. It is time for us to take wings and fly. We have so much to offer, and from what we read, there are many out there who would just love to share what we have...
October 10, 2011
Who are you? Who Am I? – Summer 2011
I find non-dualism is easy to understand but impossible to turn into anything more than momentary reality for me. This edition of the magazine has a variety of responses to the questions ‘Who am I? Who are you?…
July 6, 2011
Happiness – Winter 2011
I was reading a book recently about the pursuit of happiness, which detailed research into what makes us happy. To me, a surprising find was that generally we are bad at knowing what would make us feel really good. Most of the things we yearn for, when realised, give at best fleeting happiness....
September 9, 2009
We Are But Travellers Here – Spring 2009
This edition of our magazine has a focus on a quote of Mary Mackillop ‘We are but travellers here’…
April 5, 2009
The Heart of The Matter – Autumn 2009
I was first attracted to St Mary’s because the priest treated us like intelligent human beings and gave thought provoking homilies. I then became part of a community that is now a big part of my life...