
Tuesday, September 12th

The Life of Megan Davis – Liturgy, September 10, 2023

By St Marys in Exile

This weekend we will be listening to an Australian Story program on the life of Megan Davis, one of the key architects and facilitators of the Uluru Statement and requests for a First Nations Voice to Parliament. This is an important story for us all to know and understand. Many of the criticisms of the Uluru Statement make the claim that it is a product of a Canberra elite out of touch with the poverty of many First Nations people. Hearing Megan’s story puts paid to these criticisms.

Monday, September 4th

Father's Day Liturgy, September 3. 2023

By Terry Fitzpatrick

As we celebrate Fathers Day this weekend, Terry invites us all to be Fathers to our planet. If the conventional notion to be a father is to be a protector, provider, teacher, leader, mentor, and encourager, handing on important skills such as confidence, resilience, respect and kindness through love and nurturing discipline to future generations, then surely we are all called to do this to ensure the continuing of life on our precious planet.

Monday, July 10th

NAIDOC Week pt.2 – Liturgy July 9, 2023

By Terry Fitzpatrick

As we come to the end of NAIDOC week we recognise that the First Nations people of this country face a difficult three months as the Australian people prepare to vote in a referendum on whether they will have a voice enshrined in our constitution to government and parliament on matters concerning them. It is important that each of us is aware of the significance that this vote is for the well-being of our country and that each of us do all we can to bring about a positive outcome.