Saturday, March 30th 2024
Liturgy Adjustments – A trial
Sadly, we no longer have enough people able to do the Saturday afternoon set- up of our room at the TLC building. To accommodate this, we will be trialling some adjustments to our liturgies. The trial will take place on three weekends – 6/7 April, 13/14 April and 20/21 April. Hopefully, this will allow us to prepare for an informed discussion at the Gathering Day.
During the trial, these arrangements will operate:
Saturday Evening:
the usual 5.00 pm meditation followed by a modified liturgy excluding the use of technology and involving a shared homily.
Sunday Morning:
8.00 am: Set up involving everyone able to come at that time and assist
9.00 am: Choir practice
9.30 am: Liturgy commences (In order to begin our Gathering Day at 10.30 am on 21 April, we will not have a homily that day.)
The Sunday Evening liturgy remains unchanged during the trial.