Tuesday, April 4th
Palm Sunday – Liturgy April 2, 2023
Liz Little will be speaks about Jesus' alternate parade of peace which was a stark contrast to Rome's showy, intimidating display of power by oppression.
Monday, March 27th
Voice to Parliament pt.5 – Liturgy, March 26, 2023
As we continue our journey through Lent, we examine the social justice meaning of the season. How can this shape our commitment to Justice for First Nations People?
Wednesday, March 22nd
Voice to Parliament pt.4 – Liturgy March 19. 2023
Wayne will be speaking about how the Voice to Parliament could improve many areas relating to First Nations people, no more so than in relation to health. He will be sharing some personal stories growing up with an aboriginal boy called Billy.
Wednesday, March 15th
Uluru Statement from the Heart – Liturgy March 12, 2023
This weekend we will be listening to a recording of Megan Davis, one of the authors of the "Uluru Statement from the Heart' who will be clearly outlining the reasons for a Voice to Parliament for First Nations peoples of Australia.
Wednesday, March 8th
Voice to Parliament – Liturgy March 5, 2023
Continuing our Lenten journey, this week reflects on Lent as a call to look clear-sighted at ourselves and our world, including the structures of power and violence in which we are implicated, unwittingly or not. But Lent is not about getting handicapped by guilt, which undermines dialogue and listening, but rather working with others from a place of love towards realising our interconnectedness. This is an ongoing journey. In this context, the homily looks at Voice, what it is, what it isn’t and what it could be.
Tuesday, February 28th
Advent: New Life for Indigenous Australians – Liturgy February 26, 2023
This week we begin our Lenten journey. As Jesus and the prophets before him made their way to the wilderness to better hear the still small voice of the beloved, we too are invited to a place of listening. Listening deeply to this sacred voice in the land and its first peoples. As part of this journey, we will be exploring the Voice to Parliament and what this means for all Australians.
Thursday, February 23rd
Sacred Nature Part Three – Liturgy, February 19, 2023
This week we have part three of a trilogy on Karen Armstrong’s wonderful book ‘Sacred Nature’. How we understand the Divine has enormous repercussions for Nature. We are invited to enjoy a visual presentation of Karen’s book by Brian Muaresku .
Wednesday, February 15th
Sacred Nature Part Two – Liturgy, February 12, 2023
Following on from last week's homily Terry will further explore what Karen Armstrong means when she says that in order to address global warming we need to not only act differently but we need to change our thinking about the Natural World.
Sunday, February 12th
Sacred Nature – Liturgy February 5, 2023
Terry shares insights from Karen Armstrong's latest book, 'SACRED NATURE'. Karen is one of the world's leading commentators on religious affairs. She argues that if we want to avert the environmental catastrophe, it is not enough to change our behaviour: we need to think and feel differently about the natural world - to rekindle our spiritual bond with nature
Monday, January 2nd