Thursday, September 8th
Father's Day – Liturgy September 4, 2022
In the wake of some high-profile men committing suicide recently the topic of men's mental wellbeing has been a subject of much discussion. In our Father's Day liturgy, we will focus on the Christian religion's and Greek philosophy's legacy of the dualistic split of mind from body and its sad consequences for all, especially men.
Monday, August 29th
Can We Save The Planet – Liturgy August 28, 2022
“Can we save the planet?” aims to inform people of the seriousness of the rapid collapse of our environment, that is, our planet’s natural life support system, the foundation of the creation of our planet and human habitat .
Monday, August 22nd
Australia Catholic Church Plenary Council – Liturgy August 21, 2022
In this week's liturgy, Fr Frank Brennan reflects on the recent Plenary Council of the Australian Catholic Church. In his reflections he focuses on two of the major issues discussed. A highlight was the acknowledging of the place and contribution of the First Nations peoples in the life of the Nation and the Australian Catholic Church.
Tuesday, August 9th
Martha of Bethany – Liturgy August 14, 2022
This week's homily features well known friend of Jesus, Martha of Bethany, who appears in some popular Gospel stories. Our homilist, Liz Little, paints a less well known and fascinating portrait of this often-misunderstood woman.
Monday, August 8th
An Exploration of Love – Liturgy August 7, 2022
Brian will be doing an Exploration of Love. How did Jesus go about Loving us? What is our “state of being?” We can have a physical state of anxiety or anger. Can we have a physical state of Love?
Wednesday, August 3rd
How will we ever get there? – Liturgy, July 31, 2022
As a global community facing its many pressing problems, we will need to become like the old pilgrim.
Monday, July 25th
We are destroying our country – Liturgy, July 24, 2022
The latest report on the Australian Environment shows how Australia’s land and wildlife are being gradually destroyed. The list of threatened species grows as ecosystems show signs of collapse due to the climate crisis and habitat loss.
Thursday, July 21st
Fake News – Liturgy July 17, 2022
In its various guises, disinformation (sometimes colloquially known as fake news) has been with us for millennia. People have always engaged in rumour and untruths, although in today’s age of un-social media, it has taken on a massive new dimension. In this homily, we will explore some present trends with this disinformation issue, and clarify how we can each respond in more proactive ways.
Tuesday, July 12th
Uluru Statement from the Heart, Liturgy July 10, 2022
Our homilist today is Megan Davis, professor of law at the University of New South Wales. She is a Cobble Cobble woman and a renowned constitutional lawyer and public law expert, focusing on advocacy for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Megan became one of the key figures behind the history-making Uluru Statement from the Heart.
Tuesday, July 5th
NAIDOC Week – Liturgy July 3, 2022
First Nations peoples in Australia have suffered immensely over the past more than 2 centuries, enduring what amounts to a profound social, cultural and physical genocide. But despite great loss, they have survived –socially, culturally, physically... Homily by Anne Brown.