Tuesday, October 26th
Karen & Terry – Liturgy October 24
Sunday morning and afternoon we will join in the conversation between Karyn and Terry, as they talk, amongst other things, about what is happening with Micah Projects. On Saturday night a video of Micah's work with the homeless will be shown.
Monday, October 18th
Faiths For Climate Change – October 17, 2021
In our liturgy this weekend we will be with people of faith all over the world by being part of a massive global multi-religious #Faiths4climate Justice Day of Action on Sunday
Monday, October 11th
Liturgy, October 10, 2021
On 10 October, World Mental Health Day, Warren Ward reflects on three decades of working as a psychiatrist and how we can optimise our mental health in these tumultuous times’
Thursday, October 7th
Liturgy, October 3, 2021
Mark's central point is that modern Eco philosophy, Pope Francis and others are all pointing to the intrinsic value of our fellow beings and of nature itself and to the sacredness of nature.
Monday, September 27th
Liturgy, September 26, 2021
Terry is talking about the increased despair and anxiety within the world at the moment and how it has heightened our need for the support of others and the important place of community in finding a new relevance. But the pandemic has also revealed their vulnerability and our need to work diligently to maintain and grow.
Monday, September 20th
Liturgy, September 19, 2021
Hope is central to the Gospel and is desperately needed in these challenging times. Margaret Clifford will provide some reflection on the theology of hope and will begin a conversation about how we can nurture hope in ourselves, our communities and in our world.
Wednesday, September 15th
Liturgy September 12, 2021
Michael Kelly is the chair of the St Mary’s in Exile Board. Today he would like to speak about the importance of cultivating an attitude of gratitude in our world today. There is much we can give thanks for in our country.
Friday, September 10th
Liturgy September 5, 2021
On this Fathers' Day 2021 the words of Jesus have a special resonance, "Come to me all you who are weary and overburdened and I will give you rest". Terry will be reflecting on these words in light of the increased anxiety in our world today.
Monday, August 30th
Liturgy, August 29, 2021
Michael Tansky will be giving the homily this weekend. He reflects on love and loss - the love we have felt and given is never lost.
Saturday, August 21st
Embrace Life – Liturgy August 22, 2021
Terry will reflect on the times we are in; with restrictions all around us. He reminds us that even in these times we can embrace life - all the gifts we have and the many blessings we enjoy.