Tuesday, June 8th
Liturgy June 6, 2021
This weekend we will be celebrating World Environment Day. Our liturgy will be focusing on the importance of each of us doing something to address the climate crisis. We will be encouraging people to allow the emotion of love to be the driving force to enable us to hang in there despite our collective dismal attempts to really address this crisis.
Thursday, June 3rd
Liturgy May 30, 2021
This homily presents a model of our Spiritual Universe and how it works. Much will be familiar. But some of your ideas could be challenged!
Thursday, May 27th
Liturgy May 23, 2021
Mark Taylor spoke on the 24th anniversary of National Sorry Day. It is the day when the 'Bringing Them Home Report' was tabled in our Federal Parliament.cThe report is about the Stolen Generations who were survivors of past government policies that allowed the forcible removal of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their families.
Wednesday, May 19th
Liturgy May 16, 2021
This weekend we are listening to a very compelling homily by Kate Ross on Domestic Violence given at St John's Cathedral Brisbane on 18th April 2021. Kate discusses how religion and faith intersect with domestic violence. At the Sunday morning liturgy Gwenneth Roberts has kindly agreed to contribute some commentary to this very important issue.
Thursday, May 13th
Mother's Day – May 9, 2021
On this Mother's Day we replay the homily given by Mary Nelson on this day last year. The homily reflects on how we experience wisdom, the feminine face of God through our own mothers, relationship with Mother Earth and our innate feminine wisdom.
Thursday, May 6th
The Romero Centre – May 2nd, 2021
The Romero Centre has been operating for over 20 years in Queensland and Northern NSW, providing a sanctuary for people seeking asylum and refugees who need support with: basic necessities like food and accommodation, legal advice and to develop language and other skills to increase employment opportunities.
Monday, April 26th
Anzac Liturgy 2021
The act of remembering is central to the Christian Story and story of our nation. Which is why Anzac Day is such an important day in Australia and why it is important we remember not only the valiant men and women who gave their lives and fought in overseas wars but also the brave Aboriginal Warriors who gave their lives and fought for their country in the 140 year Frontier War.
Wednesday, April 21st
April 18, 2021
This week we will be listening to a homily by Fr. Richard Rohr via video entitled "Resurrection: Not a one-time miracle". Richard speaks of how Christ preceded Jesus. He goes on to explain how Christ is that divine presence that existed before the beginning of time. And that presence is available to each of us in every moment of our lives offering peace, love and new hope.
Tuesday, April 13th
April 11, 2021
Liz Little talks about how Jesus empowered the disciples to take over the ministry. He inspired them to challenge structural and institutional control and take responsibility for creating a better world. We can learn much from this about listening and giving voice and self determination to our own indigenous people.
Friday, April 2nd
Easter 2021
As the First Nations people gathered at Uluru to draft a Statement from the Heart, they were like the prophets of old who went into the desert to listen to that deep voice of wisdom from the depths of the land... And from the desert sprang new life, a new way forward. A Statement from the Heart. It is the Easter story. Like Yahweh speaking to the prophet Isaiah, "I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." (Is 4; 3-19)